Sunday, January 9, 2011

Here's to the New Year!!

Oh, how long it has been!!! I know, I know, a month since my last post...I guess it just goes to show that I am NOT Superwoman!!! :-)) I hope you and yours had a wonderful holiday season...we are off and running into 2011!!

I will start out the year with a little project that I did in December, and used as a gift!! So I thought I would wait until after the gift-giving was actually done to post about it, so as not to ruin any surprises! :^)

I started with this little guy as inspiration...I found him at a flea market as is...

Then I assembled some complimentary fabric, some buttons, and coordinating trim...

And using the bits and pieces, I covered a little cardboard box...I thought it turned out darn cute if I do say so myself!!! :-))

I tucked some jewelry into this little lovely as part of a gift, and it can be re-gifted, or kept to hold jewelry, keepsakes, office stuff, etc, etc...

Here's to a GREAT NEW YEAR!!! Looking forward to lots of wonderful things to come!! :-))

1 comment:

Here's to your thoughts!! I love to hear what's on your mind!!!